Showing posts with label Air Traffic Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Air Traffic Control. Show all posts

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Basics of Flight #6: What role does the FAA play in aviation?

        What role does the FAA play in aviation?

                                                  By: Nirek Deepak


                                   Hello everyone and welcome back to the Basics of Flight! Today, we will be talking about the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and its importance in aviation. 

                                                                What is the FAA?

                                       The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is the largest and most commonly known transportation agency in the U.S. and the surrounding international waters.  The FAA regulates all civil aviation as well as the military to promote safety. Other major roles include:

  • Developing new aviation technology and civil aviation
  • Developing and operating Air Traffic Control and navigation for civil and military aircraft
  • Developing and operating programs to reduce aircraft noise and other environmental effects of aviation
                                        The FAA was founded in 1958 and became a part of the USDOT (United States Department of Transportation) in 1967 as accidents became more common. The FAA played a vital role in the attacks of 9/11, grounding all flights over and around US territory for the first time in history. Since then, the US commercial and military air traffic grew to a great extent, and as air traffic grew, accidents grew with it. the FAA has been the main aspect of the USDOT and US civil aviation. Their goal: to provide safe and efficient use of the national airspace. 


                                            How has the FAA developed over the years?


                                        The FAA was and still is a huge part of aviation, which over the years has developed and operated numerous amounts of new aviation technology, such as Air Traffic Control, reducing aircraft noise, and safety. Accidents were the most common in the years between 1950-1980, in which had one of the worst accidents in US history before 9/11, was American Airlines Flight 191. The FAA then took control of all US airspaces and territories, along with regulations, Air Traffic Control, and security after 9/11. This is what made the FAA the most common and safest air transport agency in the world today.

                                        Thank you for reading this article! Make sure to read my other posts in the Basics of Flight series and share this post with your family and friends. Don't forget to comment below on what you think about the FAA. See you next time!



Monday, December 5, 2022

A dive into Air Traffic Control

                                         Air Traffic Control

                     Hello and welcome back to Nirek Blogs. Today, We will be talking about Air Traffic Control (ATC).

                                            What is Air Traffic Control?

                Air Traffic Control (ATC) is the service of people that control an operated airspace to manage flights. ATC is one of the most important aspects of aviation